Enough is enough.

Stop waiting and start building your dream homestead with what you have,
where you already are.

The Intentional Homesteading membership is here to help guide & support you along the way.

You never
have enough time
in your day.

The list of projects, daily chores, and new ideas are NEVER ENDING. Not to mention keeping a house, raising kids, and off farm responsibilities. How will you ever make significant progress?

By maximizing the time you DO have
to get the MOST of it.

Would you ever try to build a house without a blueprint?
Or tools? Or determining what the cost is going to be?

Not only would your house build take 10x longer (at least!) But it would be a frustrating, expensive, disorganized experience.

You also need to make a plan for ALL of your homestead tasks so they can be done thoroughly. You need to equip yourself with simple tools and resources to work efficiently. And you need to have clear priorities to keep you focused.

You’re not sure where to start first.

Though I commend anyone who takes the leap and starts a homestead — there are definitely better ways to do it than others…

Do you get all the animals? A tractor? Fencing?
Maybe some of everything?
The answer is different for everyone. To determine the best path - you need to know what YOUR ultimate goals are, what your time - money - resources - and skills are currently. And then build your roadmap from there.

You need more money.
Or more property. Or skills.
(So you think)

Nope. That’s not true.

The whole core ideal of homesteading originally is working with what you have. There is no perfect property, minimum income requirement, or pre-req skills.

The only requirements for building your homestead are a willingness to learn, determining what your properties strengths and weaknesses are & how to lean into them, and the ability to be resourceful!

My husband Tommy & I moved from the city to start homesteading over 10 years ago with the dream of growing nourishing food for our family.

We quickly realized though - homesteading at the level we would need to in order to REALLY feed our now SEVEN kids - would take approx. 190 hours a week. Minimum.

We needed to figure out a way to do it with him working off farm - and me raising and schooling babies and keeping the household running - oh, and did I mention I have a business side hustle too?

Time. Is. THIN over here!

Thankfully, the limitation of time turned into a blessing - it forced us to really learn to be intentional with what we did.

I would love every small family homestead to feel the excitement we feel being able to build this lifestyle even with limited time, money, and prior knowledge. Which is why I’ve committed to sharing ALL of the ways we do it in my Intentional Homesteading member’s area.

By the way - hey!
I’m Beth Declercq!

What’s included?

The Intentional Homestead membership
has the tools you need to run your homestead with MORE efficiency, productivity, and even profit potential too!


  • Your Homestead Blueprint is a complete online course that will help you design the layout of your property, determine infrastructure, long term vision, and more

  • Homestead Goal Setting Workshop helps you design your yearly homestead plan with REALISTIC expectations that you can actually accomplish.

  • The Member’s PDF Area contains dozens of printable guides from Project Planning & Prioritizing to Homestead Budgeting Tips


  • A Simple Guide to Easier Weed Management is my best selling ebook on how to keep your garden (big or small!) MORE manageable!

  • 26+ Ways to Run An Efficiency & Productive Homestead is a weekly email I send out is actionable tips for making the most of your time


  • Your Financially Independent Homestead workbook will guide you on how to SAVE and EARN more money running your homestead

  • Hosting Events on for Profit online class + ebook will guide you on how to start hosting as an income stream.

  • Raising Chickens for Profit online class + workbook covers everything you need to monetize your meat chicken operation


  • Member receive access to the complete Raising & Processing Meat Chickens online course

  • Behind the scenes content on IG stories

  • Private podcast

  • First dibs on merchandise and in person events

  • And more!

Why pay for
a membership?

The biggest reason?


Save yourself years of mistakes by learning from ours.
Save yourself literally hundreds of dollars (the price to buy all the courses/ebooks/classes/etc. included individually).
Save yourself the ability to keep delaying progress.

I’ll be honest — paying for this membership doesn’t guarantee you’ll make progress any more than paying a gym membership guarantees you’ll lose weight.

It’s what you do with it that determines your progress.

But I am SO passionate and committed to giving you the tools you need to make building your homestead possible. I want to celebrate with you every time you finish a project, create a new income stream, or share your bountiful harvests!

"I’m so so impressed with how helpful the simple worksheets are! Thank you for making staying organized EASY!”

I love that every live $20 class is included in your membership. I know I am getting an incredible value for your knowledge!

“You are a GENIUS! I love seeing how your brain works, Beth!”